- Greek question mark mac mac#
- Greek question mark mac windows#
This is the case for both Mac and PC users. .nobreak spaceA0p:beforealert(240)&i.inverted exclamation markA1p:beforealert(241).cent signA2p:beforealert(242). In Unicode, the Greek question mark is separately encoded as U+037E but as it is basically a semi-colon, you can just use the semi-colon key on your keyboard. In Greek, the symbol at the end of the sentence shows that a question is being asked. To us, a semi-colon is always followed by more text. To the English-reader’s eye, the semi colon looks strange hanging at the end of the sentence. The third line is the English translation. The top line of each question – in bold – is written in the Greek script. The second line – in italics – is the phonetic pronunciation.
now you can switch between your main keyboard-layout and the Greek Polytonic keyboard-layout by pressing the which will give you the (semi-colon) which is Classical Greek for a ? (question mark).The Greek question mark looks just like a semi-colon and is placed at the end of a sentence – in the same manner as the English question mark – to show that a question is being asked.īelow are some examples. to simplify things, I suggest deleting other Greek keyboards from the list of activated keyboards. now, at Keyboards, click “Add a keyboard”. then, at Languages, choose “Greek” and click the “Options”-button. then, at Languages, select “Greek” and click “Set as default”. in the window that opens, at Languages, click “Add a language” and typ “greek” in the search field. go to the Start Button bottom-left and typ “region and language” in the search field, then press Enter. Greek question mark mac windows#
In Windows 10, you can activate the Greek Polytonic keyboard by doing this :
and after you’re done typing Ancient Greek, go to the little black flag with the Epsilon top-right in the menu bar and select your regular keyboard layout from the dropdown list. now, whenever you want to typ Ancient Greek, go to the little flag-icon top-right in the menu bar and select “Greek – Polytonic” from the dropdown list. then make sure there is a check-mark at “Show Input menu in menu bar”. choose “Greek – Polytonic” and click the Add-button. on the right, two keyboard-layouts will be listed : “Greek” and “Greek – Polytonic”. in the window that opens, in the Search Field, typ “greek”. click on the +button just below the list of installed keyboard-layouts. on the left, your currently installed keyboard-layout(s) is/are listed.
go to Apple-menu (Apple-icon top-left in the menu bar) –> System Preferences –> Keyboard –> Input Sources (tab). In the Greek keyb layout it is produced by hitting the Q key on the keyboard as the : key is.
In macOS, you can activate the Greek Polytonic keyboard by doing this : The Greek question mark is the english semi-colon. To be able to typ the accents of Classical Greek, you need to enable the ‘Greek Polytonic’ keyboard. Is there any way to ‘switch on’ typing Classical Greek on my Mac (and PC) ? the H-sound accent) and the ‘iota subscriptum’ (a.k.a. I especially need to be able to typ the ‘spiritus asper’ (a.k.a. I found I can add a Greek keyboard layout (on both my Mac and my PC) so I now am able to all Greek letters, but it turns out that this these are Modern Greek letters… these are generally the same, but Modern Greek doesn’t have any of the accents I need in Classical Greek. Ancient Greek) in school, and I want to typ words on my computers (both Mac and PC) to improve my vocabulary.